PETA Butcher shop




Animal Rights


Video, OOH, Print, Social, Experiential

The Problem

Converting meat eaters and the everyday omnivore to become vegan can be overwhelming. Without knowledge and a helping hand, it can be hard to change someone’s lifestyle completely.

The Goal: End Speciesism


We completed this project for The One Club for Creativity Young One’s Awards in which we were shortlisted twice in the Integrated and Experiential categories.

Project Information

This project was completed for The One Club for Creativity Young One’s Awards.

The Problem: Converting meat eaters and the everyday omnivore to become vegan can be overwhelming. Without knowledge and a helping hand, it can be hard to change someone’s lifestyle completely.

The Goal: End Speciesism

Target Audience: We want to educate at-home chefs about the cruel measures behind the production of meat and give them alternatives for their dishes.

The Fact: Each year, more than 72 billion animals are slaughtered for human consumption. In the United States alone, around 25 million are slaughtered every single day.